Frå berekraftsmål til lufta kledning

Neste NTVA/Academia Europaea/Tekna-møte i Bergen er tirsdag 21. mars kl 1900 på HVL Kronstad.

FN sine berekraftsmål og den nyleg signerte Naturavtalen set stramme rammer for korleis samfunnet kan og bør utviklast dei neste tiåra. Samtidig vil demografiutviklinga og endra energi- og ressurstilgang gje oss utfordringar. Korleis kan byggenæringa møte desse utfordringane, og kva vil vere mogelege løysingar som ei samla byggenæring kan stille seg bak?

Førsteamanuensis i byggeteknikk ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet Anders-Johan Almås innleiar og reflekterer rundt dei overordna måla, barrierar, grønvasking og tekniske løysingar. Møt opp for fagleg påfyll og diskusjon!

Meir informasjon i UiB kalender.

Påmelding her.

Foredraget er gratis og åpent for alle interesserte. Velkommen!

Vær ute i god tid, da ytterdøren til bygget vil være stengt når foredraget starter kl. 19.00.

Arrangører: Tekna Bergen, i samarbeid med NTVA og Academia Europaea Bergen.

Finn frem: Campus Kronstad, 1. etg., M-inngangen

Putting people first: how do we care for each other, build resilience and solidarity in a world in crisis?

What is a crisis, and how do we ensure we provide adequate support – social, economic, health and wellbeing – to those in need? How can societies distribute the burdens, as well as the benefits, fairly and equitably? These questions are addressed at the January 31th webinar organized by our sister Hub in Cardiff.

Registration here.

Season’s Greetings from academic director Eystein Jansen


If the previous covid-affected two years were exceptional, the year that now comes to a close has been no less exceptional. I am thinking of the Russian aggression and the war in Ukraine with all its atrocities, loss of lives and senseless destruction. The effects of the war have been profound on many aspects of academic life, most dramatically for our Ukrainian colleagues who have had to suspend their work, flee their workplace, home and country.

Winter landscape

Season’s Greetings from the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.

I am happy to have seen many examples of solidarity and various forms of help extended, and hope that strong support from academics and their institutions actively will support Ukraine in rebuilding a strong, democratic research nation when the war eventually is over. This will be a costly but well spent use of resources. Many of our Russian colleagues have been negatively affected as research collaboration between Russian institutions and the rest of Europe have come to a halt, and long-term research programmes have been abruptly terminated. These measures have been necessary, but individual researchers suffer.

Many of these are colleagues who oppose the invasion and are victims of the strong oppression of free thinking imposed by Putin´s regime. Within the remit of our Hub, the high geopolitical tensions have specially affected those countries who are neighbours to Russia and Ukraine, but all countries are affected in various ways, e.g. through reductions of existing research networks, restrictions of research funding due to financial emergencies caused by increased energy prices and prioritization of military spending over other aspects of public spending, such as on research.  

The changing geopolitical situation also affects science diplomacy. Science has played an important role in creating a situation of collaboration and lowered tensions in the Arctic, for instance during the cold war. This situation is now significantly worsened by the war in Ukraine. The war has led to a suspension of work in the Arctic Council, and potential losses of critical observations of key importance for monitoring the strong changes in Arctic climate. Our Hub follows this dangerous development with the production of a special report on the fate of climate diplomacy after the war in Ukraine, due next year, and a special side event during the Arctic Frontiers conference on Feb 2, 2023 (see more info elsewhere in this newsletter).  

In 2022 the Hub has increased its activities as we have moved out of covid-restrictions, and we hope this will allow for more person-to-person meetings and increased activities in 2023.  

AE organised a cross-class Task Force on environment, climate and sustainability issues led by Prof. Verena Winiwarter which was administratively supported by our hub. The report from the Task Force also included a survey of our members and I am happy that we received many good suggestions for the future work on these issues and that many members have volunteered to take part. The AE Board is now setting up a more permanent Task Force, in which it is likely that I will take part. I hope many of the members in our region will take part as plans evolve.  

AE-Bergen Hub academic director Eystein Jansen.

AE-Bergen Hub academic director Eystein Jansen.

We have organized or co-organised several events in 2022, and plans are emerging for 2023. Please share with us any ideas or suggestions you might have for events. One thing we wish to do is to create some events on specific pan-Nordic/Baltic aspects of research and research policy, and and hope to have members outside of Bergen involved in the planning and execution of these.  

 The Hub has in 2022 entered into an agreement with the Young Academy of Europe to assist in some of their administrative tasks. The Young Academy and the voice of young scholars are critical for the future of European Research, and we are pleased to offer help.  

 In September we were visited by Sierd Cloething, for many years AE president and an important person for strengthening the Bergen Hub, something we are very grateful for. We could tap into Sierd´s Earth Science expertise and his experiences in Science Advice for Policy through two guest lectures during the visit. Earlier this year we were visited by Abel Prize laurate Laszlo Lovacs, who is also Director of the AE Budapest Hub and had the opportunity to discuss Hub-to-Hub collaboration, an area that AE aims to strengthen in the time to come.  

In 2022 we can welcome 47 new members of AE from our region. I would like to wish all new members warmly welcome and hope we can see many of you in our upcoming activities. We still have a way to go to ensure that the leading scholars in our region become AE members, and I would also like to see a more gender balanced and younger membership. I therefore hope that the coming nomination cycle will engage more of our members with these aspects in mind. So please nominate! 

I am very pleased that the agreement between AE and The University of Bergen was renewed for 4 more years in 2021. This gives the hub financial and administrative support a nice platform to operate from.  

When the year comes to an end, I would specifically like to thank the Hub-staff, Kristin and Nils Olav for their hard work, dedication and support in 2022. I know this is much appreciated across the Academy.  

I am a strong supporter of scientific excellence and the key importance of curiosity driven frontier research. The ERC is a remarkably successful and a premier funder of such research. I have had the pleasure of serving this fantastic organisation in the last years through its Scientific Council. In the following 3 years I will extend this work,serving as Vice-President for the Physical Sciences and Engineering Domain of the ERC, which I will combine with my AE duties. Despite all the uncertainty we live through, I do hope that the importance of basic science will rightfully be acknowledged in Europe. Our future as a region will very much depend on the creative minds of scientists who can express and pursue their best ideas. Thus, the two missions of AE and ERC have a lot in common.  

Best wishes for the Season and the coming year! 


Changing minds or changing systems to avert dangerous climate change?

Webinar organized by our sister hub in Cardiff, Tuesday 29th November 2022, 16:00 CET (15:00 UK/Ireland)

About the webinar

The latest assessment reports of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are stark in their warnings. The world needs to make immediate and radical cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to keep global warming to below 1.5⁰C. All regions of the world are being severely affected by the climate crisis, with droughts, floods and heatwaves becoming more frequent. Negative impacts on both human and natural systems, including a serious loss of biodiversity, are being triggered. Urgent responses are needed in both urban and rural areas, and international cooperation is critical to climate change mitigation.

The science is clear. Yet there is hesitance by politicians, the media and the public to prioritise the climate issue and take the necessary actions. How do we achieve the changes that are needed in our society and economy, in ways that are fair and inclusive? Do we rely on innovation and new technologies? Or does it need a change in attitudes and mindset towards the environment? If so, how, and by whom? Can we engage with and involve the public? Is it possible to generate active participation across the wider society?

Join our panel of experts to discuss these critical issues, and identify what may work. You, the audience, will have the opportunity to pose questions and be part of the debate. Our webinar is free and open to all.

Our panel of experts

  • Professor Karen O’Brien, Professor of Human Geography. University of Oslo; Co-Chair of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) Transformative Change Assessment
  • Professor Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Emeritus Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Professor at TU Wien; Deputy-Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission
  • Professor Antje Wiener, Professor of Political Science & Global Governance, University of Hamburg
  • Professor Matthias Karmasin, Director of the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Klagenfurt

Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President Academia Europaea will chair the session.

Registration via the AE-Cardiff Hub website.

Lise Øvreås is the new president of the DNVA

Professor Lise Øvreås has been elected new president of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. She will be the third woman to hold this top position.

Lise Øvreås is the new president of the DNVA

Lise Øvreås is the new president of the DNVA. Photo: Eivind Senneset/UiB

Lise Øvreås is Professor of Geomicrobiology and Director of the Center for Sustainable Seas at the University of Bergen (UiB), and Professor II at UNIS. She has broad management experience and a strong national and international career.

– I greatly appreciate being elected president of the Academy, and I look forward to taking part in its further development, says Øvreås.

In her election speech, she mentioned sustainable change, scientific advice, and the promotion of free and independent research as some of her flagship issues for the Academy in the future.

Sustainability, the sea, and academia

Øvreås is educated at UiB and has, among other things, been vice dean for research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. As director of Ocean Sustainability Bergen, scientific advice and the UN’s sustainability goals are two of her fields of experience.

She has been a member of the Academy of Sciences since 2013 and has previously been a board member and vice president. She represents Norway in the European Academy Science Advisory Council (EASAC) and is a member of the National Committee for the Year of Marine Research.

UiB Rector Margareth Hagen congratulates Lise Øvreås on an important position:

– The Academy of Sciences plays an important role in promoting science both in Norway and internationally, and Lise Øvreås, with her background in ocean and sustainability, is the right person to lead the academy further, says Hagen.

Third woman since 1857

Øvreås joins the leadership position in January 2022 and is elected for three years. She takes over from Hans-Petter Graver, UiO, who has been president since 2019. The president is also chairman of the board.

Øvreås is the third woman among 48 leaders in the Academy of Sciences since 1857. Her predecessors have been Professor Inger Moen (1998-2003) and Professor Kirsti Strøm Bull (2012-2015), both from the University of Oslo.

You can read this article, written by Åshild Nylund, in Norwegian here.