AI and academic publishing: What does the future hold for authors, readers and publishers?

13th May | 4:00 to 5:00pm CEST (3:00 to 4:00pm UK time) | Zoom

AI promises to revolutionise the world of academic publishing – but how, exactly? Will AI usher in a new era of creativity and innovation in academic writing and publishing? Or does it threaten to bring the whole publishing process crashing down, beneath the burden of untrustworthy science, misinformation and plagiarism? Does AI pose a risk to the scholarly publishing sector, or make some players more powerful than ever?

Join our interactive webinar, where we will analyse what the AI revolution means for you, as authors, editors, reviewers, readers and publishers. We will also consider possible responses from policymakers, following a recent report and policy recommendations to the European Commission.


Our distinguished panel of speakers includes:

  • Professor Nicole Grobert, Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, Scientific Opinion on Successful and timely uptake of AI in science in the EU
  • Professor Paul Groth, Professor of Informatics, University of Amsterdam, Member of the SAPEA Working Group on Successful and timely update of AI in science in the EU
  • Professor Alberto Melloni, Member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, Scientific Opinion on Successful and timely uptake of AI in science in the EU
  • Dr Anita de Waard, Vice-President Research Collaborations, Elsevier
  • Kiera McNeice, Research Data Manager, Cambridge University Press

    The event will be chaired by Professor Ole Petersen, Director of the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub. It is free and open to all.

The webinar is organised by the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub as part of the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission.

Registration on the Academia Europaea Cardiff website

New report: Successful and timely uptake of artificial intelligence in science in the EU

SAM Evidence Review Report.

The EU must provide a competitive and attractive AI research environment by offering the opportunity to work on high-impact societal challenges and a stimulating work environment, in addition to a high quality of life.
These are some of the topics explored in the new SAM Evidence Review Report.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise scientific discovery, accelerate research progress, boost innovation, and improve researchers’ productivity. The EU must take hold of the opportunities this brings, and in a timely way. This is among the conclusions in a new evidence review report from the Science Advice Mechanism to the European Commission.

The new Evidence Review Report, a Scoping Paper and a Scientific Opinion on the topic “Successful and timely uptake of artificial intelligence in science in the EU” is now available to download from the SAM website.

The Academia Europaea hub in Cardiff will organize a webinar on the topic “AI and academic publishing: What does the future hold for authors, readers and publishers?” on 13th May. Several people connected with the recent Evidence Review Report will be panelists, including the Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, Professor Nicole Grobert.

The EU should prioritise AI-powered research in areas where large amounts of data are available but difficult to interpret, such as personalised health, social cohesion, and the green and digital transitions. This will bring the greatest benefits for EU citizens.

It is important to support new research into the greenest AI algorithms and infrastructure, to help manage the environmental impact of the technology.

AI-powered scientific research requires a vast amount of data. That data should be high quality, responsibly collected and well curated, with fair access for European researchers and innovators. So the EU should continue to work with the research community to ensure that data standards, guidelines and best practices can evolve as technology develops.

A geopolitical asset

AI has become a geopolitical asset. The availability of both human talent and computing power defines which parts of the world can make the most of AI, and which are falling behind. Currently, most AI infrastructure belongs to a small number of companies, largely in the US and China, and even public research labs depend on them for computing power. The opacity of the commercial AI sector makes it difficult to obtain the transparent, reproducible scientific results that are essential to robust science in an open society.

To rebalance the situation and boost public research across all disciplines and member states, we need to give universities and research institutes across Europe fair access to state-of-the-art AI facilities. A new European institute for AI in science would provide massive high-performing computational power, a sustainable cloud infrastructure, and AI training programmes for scientists. Alongside these services, a European AI in Science Council would provide dedicated funding for researchers in all disciplines to explore and adopt AI in their sciences. These would also ensure that AI in research aligns with EU core values.

The EU must provide a competitive and attractive AI research environment by offering the opportunity to work on high-impact societal challenges and a stimulating work environment, in addition to a high quality of life.

These are some of the topics explored in the new Evidence Review Report. The review document, a Scoping Paper and a Scientific Opinion, as well as an introduction video,  is available from the SAM website.


The Arctic Circle Berlin Forum

At the Arctic Circle Berlin Forum, Academia Europaea Bergen Hub will be organizing a panel session in connection with our “Rethinking Arctic Collaboration” project. Keynotes and discussion will take place on May 8th, 11:30– 12:30. 

Speakers on our session “Arctic Scientific Cooperation in flux: Consequences and solutions”:

● Ole Øvretveit, Manager of Arctic Science Diplomacy Project, Academia Europaea, Norway

● Matthias Kaiser, Professor in Science for Policy, International Science Council Fellow

● Eystein Jansen, Vice President, European Research Council

● Clara Ganslandt, Special Envoy for Arctic Matters to the EU, European External Action Service

● Melody B. Burkins, Director, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth, United States


● Volker Rachold, Head, German Arctic Office, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

Trenger vi alternative pengesystemer? Se presentasjonene fra foredraget.

NTVA, Tekna Bergen og Academia Europaea Bergen arrangerte nylig foredrag og debatt om alternative pengesystemer med Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan. Lenke til presentasjon fra foredraget er tilgjengalig fra NTVA nettsiden.

Foredrag og debatt om alternative pengesystemer med Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan.

Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi, Tekna Bergen og Academia Europaea Bergen arrangerte nylig foredrag og debatt om alternative pengesystemer med Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan. Foto: Unsplash

Pengesystemene er kritisk infrastruktur i samfunnet. Selv om vi har verdens mest effektive systemer for pengeoverføring, er denne infrastrukturen også beheftet med sårbarhet. Det blir fort synlig når Vipps og BankId er ute av drift. Og hva hadde skjedd om selve oppgjørssentralen ble satt ut av drift for eksempel på grunn av manglende tilgang til elektrisitet?

Systemene har også andre sårbarheter fordi bankene jo ikke er i besittelse av alle pengene vi “har satt inn”. De er avhengige av vår tillit, at ikke alle sammen samtidig vil ønske å ta ut pengene sine, for at dagens system skal fungere etter intensjonen. Det var denne tilliten som knekte et par amerikanske banker sist år. Så hva er alternativene? Hva koster det å drive dem? Og er det fornuftig med tanke på fremtidig samfunnssikkerhet å holde oss med ett eller flere alternative pengesystemer?

Foredragsholdere på dette seminaret var Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan. Svein Ølnes, tidligere forsker Vestlandsforskning, har over 20 års erfaring som prosjektleder for ulike IT-prosjekter. Han har fulgt Bitcoin og kryptovaluta siden 2011 og publisert en rekke artikler om emnet. Arne Krokan, professor emeritus i økonomi og ledelse ved NTNU, er også forfatter. Han har skrevet en rekke bøker om det digitale skiftet, den siste med tittelen HOMO APPIENS.

Les mer på NTVAs hjemmeside. Nederst i teksten finnes også lenke til presentasjonen fra foredraget. 



Michel Talagrand awarded the 2024 Abel Prize

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2024 to Michel Talagrand of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France.

Michel Talagrand

Michel Talagrand receives the Abel Prize 2024 for his work in probability theory and stochastic processes. Photo: Peter Badge / Abel Prize 2024

Michel Talagrand receives the prize for his work in probability theory and stochastic processes. From the outset, the development of probability theory was motivated by problems that arose in the context of gambling or assessing risks. The common theme in Michel Talagrand’s groundbreaking discoveries is working with and understanding the random processes we see all around us. It has now become apparent that a thorough understanding of random phenomena is essential in today’s world. For example, random algorithms underpin our weather forecasting and large language models.

The modern world is a constant flow of random events, and understanding that randomness has impacts on everything from business logistics to condensed-matter physics. Much of Talagrand’s work involves understanding and utilising the “Gaussian distribution”, often better known as the “normal distribution” or – thanks to its shape – the “bell curve”. Our whole life is guided by the Gaussian distribution: the weight of babies at birth, the test results students get at school and the ages athletes retire at are all seemingly random events that neatly follow the Gaussian distribution.

Three specific areas

The Abel Prize is given for three specific areas of Talagrand’s work:

Suprema of stochastic processes – A stochastic process produces a sequence of random values, and the “supremum” is the largest value to be expected from a collection of those values. If the height of waves crashing on a beach is a stochastic process, it is useful to know what the largest wave to hit the beach next year is likely to be.

Concentration of measures – Counterintuitively, when a process depends on a range of different sources of randomness, instead of getting more complicated, it is possible for the different random factors to compensate for each other and produce more predictable results. Talagrand has given sharp quantitative estimates for this.

Spin glass – Leaving abstract probability theory behind, a “spin glass” is a special form of matter that atoms can arrange themselves in, much to the initial surprise of physicists. Talagrand used his knowledge of statistics and probability to prove limits on how spin glass matter can behave, and thereby completed the proof of Giorgio Parisi’s Nobel Prize winning work (2021).

“Talagrand is an exceptional mathematician, and a formidable problem solver. He has made profound contributions to our understanding of random, and in particular, Gaussian, processes. His work has reshaped several areas of probability theory. Furthermore, his proof of the celebrated Parisi formula for free energy of spin glasses is an amazing accomplishment,” says Professor Helge Holden, chair of the Abel Prize Committee.

The Abel Prize is awarded by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Read more at the website of the academy. 


Trenger vi alternative pengesystemer?

Pengesystemene er kritisk infrastruktur i samfunnet. Hva koster det å drive dem? Og er det fornuftig med tanke på fremtidig samfunnssikkerhet å holde oss med ett eller flere alternative pengesystemer? Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan innleder til debatt i dette møtet i seminarserien fra NTVA, Tekna og AE-Bergen Hub.

Møtet 12. mars er åpent for alle, og starter 16.30 i Auditorium 2 i Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41.

Mer informasjon på UiBs nettsider. 

Recorded event: Eva Jablonka at Darwin Day 2024

Watch the video recording of “The evolution of learning and the origins of consciousness”, a lecture by professor Eva Jablonka. This was the Darwin Day and Horizon Lecture at University of Bergen on February 12th 2024.

In this lecture, Eva Jablonka explores the question of the origins of animal mentality, which Darwin avoided, and present an evolutionary approach for studying it, developed together with Simona Ginsburg. Jablonka explains the rationale and methodology underlying their approach and presents their proposal that the emergence of primary consciousness was driven by the evolution of a domain-general, representational form of associative learning, which they called unlimited associative learning (UAL).

The event on February 12th 2024 was a joint event organised by the Horizon Lecture Committee at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Darwin Day Committee at the Department of Biological Sciences, and Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub. The lecture received economic support from Selskapet til Vitenskapenes Fremme.

We apologize for the poor visuals of this recording. However, the audio quality is good, so we hope that you can still enjoy it.

Naturkrise mot klimakrise? Avveininger innen bærekraft

Å forstå det store bildet av bærekraft er en utfordrende oppgave. Mens løsninger på mange problemer virker åpenbare når de undersøkes isolert, innser vi med nærmere undersøkelse at det er spenninger mellom ulike bærekraftsmål.
Professor Katja Enberg og professor Øyvind Fiksen, visedekan for UiBs havsatsing innleder til debatt på møtet i NTVA, Tekna og Academia Europaea Bergens seminarserie 9. april kl.16.30 i Auditorium 2 i Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41.
Mer informasjon på UiBs nettsider. 


Recorded event: A New Arctic Energy Mix

A recording of the Arctic Frontiers 2024 panel discussion “A new Arctic energy mix – at what costs? The Finnmark example”, organized by AE-Bergen Hub, is now available on youtube.


Lars-Henrik Paarup Michelsen (director of the Norwegian Climate Foundation)

Lars-Henrik Paarup Michelsen (director of the Norwegian Climate Foundation). Photo: Jensenmedia/ArcticFrontiers

The range of insights from keynotes, speakers, and panelists, as well as the audience response, proved that we had found a hot topic for this year’s side event. Our experts explored how the energy sources in use in Norway today will have to be supplemented by new energy sources in the future. While the emphasis of our experts varied, they all agreed on one thing; that in the future a mix of energy sources will be necessary, while also addressing the 1.5 or 2-degree targets set by the Paris Agreement.

Speakers were Jonas Kristiansen Nøland (Associate Professor of energy conversion with NTNU), Lars-Henrik Paarup Michelsen (director of the Norwegian Climate Foundation) and Sigrid Ina Simonsen (director of the regional office NHO Arctic). The panel discussion was moderated by Helge Nitteberg (editor-in-chief at Northers Norways leading newspaper Nordlys), and panelists were, in addition to speakers Nøland and Paarup Michelsen; Geir Vollsæter from the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Sigurd Kvammen Rafaelsen (mayor of Lebesby municipality) and Else Broderstad (International Sami Council).

Have a look at the youtube-recording of the event!

The evolution of learning and the origins of consciousness

Darwin’s birthday
On February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was born, and every year at this time it has become a tradition at UiB and at universities around the world to celebrate not only one of the world’s most important scientists, but also science, rationality, and humanism in the broadest sense.

Everybody is welcome to the 2023 celebration of Darwin’s Birthday at UiB!

Light refreshments will be served from 15.45. The lecture starts at 16.15, on Monday 12th of February 2024 in Egget at Studentsenteret. Find the event on Facebook.

Event details and presentation of this year’s speaker, Professor Eva Jablonka, at the UiB website.