
Årets Rosendalsveko finner sted 5. – 6. august 2024:

Måndag 5. august:

  • Velkomst ved Vegard Bjørnevik (ordførar i Kvinnherad) Thea Vaage (styreleiar Folgefonnsenteret), Nils Gunnar Kvamstø (direktør Havforskingsinstituttet) og Margareth Hagen (rektor UiB)
  • Klima og natur i ei turbulent verd. Panelsamtale moderert av Frøy Gudbrandsen (VG)
  • Klima og ekstremvér. Innlegg frå forskarar ved UiB/Bjerknessenteret
  • Lunsj
  • Klimarisiko og naturbaserte løysingar. Fagleg innleiing av Siri Haugum (Lyngheisenteret) og Brigt Samdal (NVE), med påfølgende panelsamtale med Hans Inge Myrvold (SP), Une Bastholm (MDG), Terje Halleland (FRP) og Linda Merkesdal (AP).
  • Ekstremvér og beredskap. Fagleg innlegg ved Carlo Aall (Vestforsk) og panelsamtale moderert av Endre Iversen (Norge/Climatefutures)
  • Uteaktivitetar
  • Middag på Baroniet Rosendal

Tysdag 6. august

  • Korleis står det til med fjordane våre? Faglege innlegg (HI) og panelsamtale med Kjell Kvingedal (miljødirektør Statsforvaltaren), Sylvia Frantzen (HI) og Sondre Eide (Eide fjordbruk) moderert av Mari Myksvoll (HI/Bjerknes)
  • Vestlandet som foregangsregion for berekraftig havnæring. Innlegg av Bård Sandal (VFK) og Aslak Sverdrup (Innovasjon Norge) med påfølgande panelsamtale.
  • Vestlandske vegval – korleis lagar vi eit robust og berekraftig samfunn? Innlegg frå forskarar ved UiB/CET, paneldebatt og spørsmål frå salen
  • Lunsj
  • Framtidas turisme i Hardangerregionen. Innleiing om Berekraftig reiseliv ved Anna Maria Urbaniak-Brekke og Carlo Aall (Vestforsk) og deretter korte innlegg frå lokale aktørar og påfølgande panelsamtale med Peter Haugan (HI) Vegard Bjørnevik (ordførar Kvinnherad) og Timo Knock (ordførar Eidfjord).

Mer informasjon på Folgefonnsenterets nettsider. 

ERC StG Mentoring Event

Save the date for the 4th ERC StG online mentoring event of YAE and AE Budapest Hub coming on June 3

AE Budapest Hub to co-organise an ERC StG Mentoring Event with YAE

On the 3rd of June 2024, between 14:00-16:00 hrs (CET), the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) in collaboration with the Academia Europaea (AE) Budapest Knowledge Hub will host an online event on Zoom for researchers from all around the world who would be interested in applying to the next round of the European Research Council’s (ERC) Starting Grant (StG). One of the main missions of this event series is to promote widening participation to researchers from EU13 and Associated Countries.

The online event will include two parts. First, a plenary information session with welcoming words from Prof. László Lovász (ERC Scientific Council member), Péter Hegyi (Academic Director, Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub) and Katalin Solymosi (Chair, Young Academy of Europe), followed by a presentation by Maria Leptin (President of ERC) about the why and what of the ERC’s recent changes to the evaluation of research proposals, and a talk by Angela Liberatore (Head of the Scientific Management Department at ERC Executive Agency) about the implementation of the recently introduced changes in the grant evaluation procedures. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A to be moderated by Scott Bremer (Vice-Chair, Young Academy of Europe).

The second part of the event will include three parallel sessions by domain, each featuring current YAE members who have recently secured an ERC StG and who will share their pieces of advice about grant proposal writing and oral interview preparation with the audience of the domain-specific break-out rooms: Physical Sciences & Engineering (PE), Life Sciences (LS), and Social Sciences & Humanities (SH).

Plenary part:

14:00-14:10 Opening – László Lovász (ERC Scientific Council Member)

  • Péter Hegyi (Academic Director, AE Budapest Hub)
  • Katalin Solymosi (Chair, YAE)

14:10-14:25 Maria Leptin (President, ERC): The why and what of the ERC’s recent changes to the evaluation of research proposals

14:25-14:35 Q & A

14:35-14:50 Angela Liberatore (Head of the Scientific Management Department at ERCEA): Implementing the novelties in ERC evaluations

14:50-15:00 Q & A

Moderator: Scott Bremer (YAE, Vice-Chair)


Second part of the event, with 3 different, parallel break-out sessions dedicated to the three domains:

15:00-16:00 Domain PE – Nicoló Maccaferri (physicist, material scientist, FYAE), Péter Nagy (chemist) and Manuel Souto Salom (chemist, FYAE), Moderator: Linn Leppert (theoretical physicist, YAE treasurer)

15:00-16:00 Domain LS – Gautam Dey (biologist, FYAE) and Zohreh Hosseinzadeh (biologist, FYAE), Moderator: Philippa Warren (biologist, YAE Membership Chair)

15:00-16:00 Domain SH – Jihan Zakarriya (literature scholar, FYAE) and Ágoston Berecz (historian), Moderator: Mona Simion (philosopher, YAE Recruitment Chair)

Registration is available here, and further information will soon be available on YAE’s website here. Zoom-link will be shared with registered users.

Details, documents and recordings of the previous YAE ERC StG Mentoring Events are available here.

Shaping careers in the digital era

On the 30th of May 2024, between 15:00-16:30, the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) along with Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) is organizing a webinar about the impact of AI on academic careers and education, specifically focusing on its potential impact on work environments and jobs in academia. The event will feature Moniek Tromp (YAE, Outgoing Chair) as moderator and Gábor Kismihók (FYAE) as speaker, along with two other speakers, Anna Fabijańska and Mike Teodorescu.

The discussions will be inspired by a recent advice issued by the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission on the request of the College of Commissioners. The evidence review report and the Scientific Opinion reports responded to the question on: ‘Successful and timely uptake of artificial intelligence in science in the EU’ and were published on 15th of April, 2024. For this report, Cristina Blanco Sió-López (FYAE) acted as peer reviewer, and Gábor Kismihók (FYAE) was involved in the evidence-gathering workshops preparing the SAPEA-SAM evidence review report about AI. The report has been handed over to Commissioner Iliana Ivanova by Nicole Grobert (former YAE Chair, Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission).

Register at the SAM website 

AI and academic publishing: What does the future hold for authors, readers and publishers?

13th May | 4:00 to 5:00pm CEST (3:00 to 4:00pm UK time) | Zoom

AI promises to revolutionise the world of academic publishing – but how, exactly? Will AI usher in a new era of creativity and innovation in academic writing and publishing? Or does it threaten to bring the whole publishing process crashing down, beneath the burden of untrustworthy science, misinformation and plagiarism? Does AI pose a risk to the scholarly publishing sector, or make some players more powerful than ever?

Join our interactive webinar, where we will analyse what the AI revolution means for you, as authors, editors, reviewers, readers and publishers. We will also consider possible responses from policymakers, following a recent report and policy recommendations to the European Commission.


Our distinguished panel of speakers includes:

  • Professor Nicole Grobert, Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, Scientific Opinion on Successful and timely uptake of AI in science in the EU
  • Professor Paul Groth, Professor of Informatics, University of Amsterdam, Member of the SAPEA Working Group on Successful and timely update of AI in science in the EU
  • Professor Alberto Melloni, Member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, Scientific Opinion on Successful and timely uptake of AI in science in the EU
  • Dr Anita de Waard, Vice-President Research Collaborations, Elsevier
  • Kiera McNeice, Research Data Manager, Cambridge University PressThe event will be chaired by Professor Ole Petersen, Director of the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub. It is free and open to all.

The webinar is organised by the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub as part of the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission.

Registration on the Academia Europaea Cardiff website

The Arctic Circle Berlin Forum

At the Arctic Circle Berlin Forum, Academia Europaea Bergen Hub will be organizing a panel session in connection with our “Rethinking Arctic Collaboration” project. Keynotes and discussion will take place on May 8th, 11:30– 12:30. 

Speakers on our session “Arctic Scientific Cooperation in flux: Consequences and solutions”:

● Ole Øvretveit, Manager of Arctic Science Diplomacy Project, Academia Europaea, Norway

● Matthias Kaiser, Professor in Science for Policy, International Science Council Fellow

● Eystein Jansen, Vice President, European Research Council

● Clara Ganslandt, Special Envoy for Arctic Matters, European External Action Service

● Melody B. Burkins, Director, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth, United States


● Volker Rachold, Head, German Arctic Office, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

Trenger vi alternative pengesystemer?

Pengesystemene er kritisk infrastruktur i samfunnet. Hva koster det å drive dem? Og er det fornuftig med tanke på fremtidig samfunnssikkerhet å holde oss med ett eller flere alternative pengesystemer? Svein Ølnes og Arne Krokan innleder til debatt i dette møtet i seminarserien fra NTVA, Tekna og AE-Bergen Hub.

Møtet 12. mars er åpent for alle, og starter 16.30 i Auditorium 2 i Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41.

Mer informasjon på UiBs nettsider. 

Naturkrise mot klimakrise? Avveininger innen bærekraft

Å forstå det store bildet av bærekraft er en utfordrende oppgave. Mens løsninger på mange problemer virker åpenbare når de undersøkes isolert, innser vi med nærmere undersøkelse at det er spenninger mellom ulike bærekraftsmål.
Professor Katja Enberg og professor Øyvind Fiksen, visedekan for UiBs havsatsing innleder til debatt på møtet i NTVA, Tekna og Academia Europaea Bergens seminarserie 9. april kl.16.30 i Auditorium 2 i Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41.
Mer informasjon på UiBs nettsider. 


The evolution of learning and the origins of consciousness

Darwin’s birthday
On February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was born, and every year at this time it has become a tradition at UiB and at universities around the world to celebrate not only one of the world’s most important scientists, but also science, rationality, and humanism in the broadest sense.

Everybody is welcome to the 2023 celebration of Darwin’s Birthday at UiB!

Light refreshments will be served from 15.45. The lecture starts at 16.15, on Monday 12th of February 2024 in Egget at Studentsenteret. Find the event on Facebook.

Event details and presentation of this year’s speaker, Professor Eva Jablonka, at the UiB website.


Hva koster det grønne skiftet – er det for dyrt?

Prisen for kjernekraft har høsten 2023 vært heftig debattert basert på to rapporter, en utgitt i NTVA regi, en annen fra konsulentselskapet Rystad Energy. Vi tar debatten i årets første møte i NTVA – Tekna – Academia Europaea sin seminarserie.

Møtet finner sted i Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41, Auditorium 2. kl. 16.30 -18.00 den 13. februar 2024.

Mer informasjon her, på UiBs nettsider.

The “green” vs the “blue” lens on nature and sustainability

We’re soon going to be 10 billion people on this planet and economic growth is causing additional pressure on nature and Earth’s resources. Christian Jørgensen is professor in marine ecology at UiB. He will discuss how our footprint is affecting our planet, on land and at sea.

The lecture is open to all, and starts at 16.30, November 14th,  in Auditorium 2 in Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41.

A myriad of data on global resource use and potential impacts exists, but how can one piece together a holistic view of the state of our planet? A particular challenge is that the consequences of our choices may take place much later and far away. This talk will present key data on the state of humanity and our planet.

It is likely that you will be surprised by some of the comparisons between what happens at land and in the oceans. Having a broad view is essential if we, as individuals or societies, are to make the choices that secure a good future for everyone on Earth.

Organisers: NTVA and Academia Europaea Bergen.