The Academia Europaea expresses solidarity with partners in Ukraine

The Academia Europaea strongly supports the European Union member states, Switzerland, The United Kingdom and the EEA countries’ action against Russia’s belligerent attack on Ukraine, which is in violation of international law. We are following the positions of our partner Academies across Europe.

A statement of the Board of Trustees of the Academia Europaea


We are honoured to express our solidarity with all Ukrainian scholars of all disciplines, including our own members and non-members.

The Academia Europaea regards the Russian invasion as an attack on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy and self-determination, which in turn provide the basis for academic freedom and opportunities for academic cooperation.

The Academia Europaea members, are all distinguished international scholars. They have been elected because of their international status in the Sciences, the Humanities and the Social and Societal Sciences, as judged by their European colleagues and peers across our continent. We are proud to include members from the Ukraine and from the Russian Federation on equal terms. Science and scholarship thrive on open dialogue and collaboration. We are therefore especially saddened by this unprovoked action by the Russian government against the Ukraine, which seeks to destroy what we stand for – open dialogue and collaboration of equals. As an organisation, we have always maintained diverse and productive academic collaborations with all our members, from all European countries and we certainly will seek to continue this.

The Academia Europaea is aware of the consequences of this military action and at the same time deeply regrets the impact it will have on freedoms, including academic freedoms. We live in a multidimensional world, and only by means of close international academic cooperation can the crises facing humanity, such as climate change, species extinction or infectious diseases, be overcome. For this reason, our solidarity also goes out to our long-standing Russian members who are themselves now the innocent victims of the Russian regime’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Academia Europaea has noted the statements issued by many other European National Academies and Scientific Organisations and we will continue to respond in concert with them. We are especially pleased to see and wish to thank unreservedly, those organisations with the capabilities, that are putting into place schemes to provide safe havens and funds for Ukrainian researchers. We applaud your efforts.

The statement authorised for publication on 1 March 2022 by the Board of Trustees of the Academia Europaea can be downloaded from the AE website.


The Arctic Frontiers 2022 conference: Pathways

The Arctic Frontiers conference will take place on 08. May – 11. May 2022. The main theme of this year’s conference is “Pathways”. The conference is likely to be a hybrid conference solution with an in-person conference in Tromsø and a possibility of digital participation.

Arctic Frontiers Science conference is traditionally international and multidisciplinary, bringing together social sciences, humanities, physical and life sciences. The Arctic Frontiers Science is focusing on both fundamental and solution-oriented research with strong impact, which addresses growing societal challenges and needs in the Arctic region.

Visit the Arctic Frontiers official website.

Significant findings in preliminary results of “biodegradable plastics breakdown” experiment

Midway through the “biodegradable plastics breakdown” experiment at Bergen Aquarium, Norway, led by NORCE scientist Gunhild Bødtker, important and surprising discoveries are already coming to light.

NORCE scientist Gunhild Bødtker presented the findings of her “biodegradable plastics breakdown”-experiment at the Miami-New York leg of the One Ocean Expedition just before Christmas.

NORCE scientist Gunhild Bødtker presented the findings of her “biodegradable plastics breakdown”-experiment at the Miami-New York leg of the One Ocean Expedition just before Christmas. Photo: Isak Okkenhaug/Statsraad Lehmkuhl

Gunhild Bødtker is a working group member and an author on the SAPEA report Biodegradability of plastics in the open environment. Following the publication of the report, Dr Bødtker set up an experiment at the Bergen Aquarium. In a tank at the aquarium, she is studying how long it takes for some specific kinds of biodegradable plastics to break down fully in a marine environment similar to the sea near Bergen in Norway.

She is also studying which microbes are involved, and whether the location of the samples makes any difference: some samples are in the water column, while others are on a sediment simulating the seafloor. The experiment has been running since summer 2021.

– You’ve been engaged in the biodegradability of plastics even before you took part in the working group of the SAPEA report?

– That’s correct. Many of the smaller islands on the western coast of Norway have an alarming amount of plastics pollution. We’ve had several projects at NORCE documenting this. Some of this work can be seen in the Norwegian documentary series “Plasthavet”, where some heavily polluted smaller islands also are being cleaned up by volunteers.

– I was interested in the biodegradability of conventional plastics before, knowing that biodegradability would be very slow. Looking at plastics produced to be biodegradable became more of a focus when I was working on the SAPEA report.

Different types of biodegradable plastics

In her experiment at the Bergen Aquarium, Gunhild Bødtker is studying the biodegradability of two different types of biodegradable plastics, compared to one positive and one negative control material. In addition, she is comparing how fast the materials biodegrade on the “seafloor” of the tank compared to materials floating freely in the tank. After 125 days, midway through the experiment, she’s already seeing some surprising results.

Ørjan Sælensminde at the Bergen Aquarium, and Gunhild Bødtker.

Ørjan Sælensminde at the Bergen Aquarium, and Gunhild Bødtker. Photo: Nils Olav Sæverås

– We’ve seen a much faster biodegradation of the Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) variant of biodegradable plastics than we expected. We’ve also seen that our positive control material, which was made from cellulose, has completely disappeared. This indicates a healthy presence of microorganisms contributing to the biodegradation of these types of material in Norwegian sea water.

Recent updates and comprehensive information about the experiment can be found on the website Built2biodegrade.  

Findings on water temperature

– From our results so far, we have a clear indication that water temperature isn’t as essential to biodegradation rates in seawater as previously thought. It was commonly held that warmer waters, like the South Asian waters, would speed up biodegradation rates. From our results, it seems that the types of microorganisms present, in combination with other environmental factors, are more important.

Gunhild Bødtker is careful to emphasize that even though the results of the Bergen experiment suggest that temperature may not be the main factor determining environmental degradation rates of biodegradable plastics, more emphasis should be put on the combination of environmental factors within habitats and climate zones, as well as material type and sample history.

The experiment is a pilot study and Gunhild Bødtker hopes to set up a control experiment. Findings from the pilot study are already quite significant, particularly the findings on water temperature.      

Another result of the experiment is that materials biodegraded at a faster rate on  “sea floor” sediment than materials floating freely in the tank. This is in line with previous findings.

Dr Bødtker wants to be very clear that whatever conclusions are drawn from the experiment, littering is not acceptable, even with products made from biodegradable plastics.

– We know that certain products have a higher risk of ending up in the sea, such as fishing equipment. If some of these are made from biodegradable plastics, that might have an effect. But biodegradable plastics shouldn’t be an excuse for littering.

The Bergen experiment test pure polymers, while products made from these polymers will usually have added materials. The added materials will also need to be biodegradable if future biodegradability-certification processes are considered.

The Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl serves as a floating university and training vessel combined. The Miami-New York leg of the ongoing expedition had a special focus on science.

The Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl serves as a floating university and training vessel combined. The Miami-New York leg of the ongoing expedition had a special focus on science. Photo: Isak Okkenhaug/Statsraad Lehmkuhl

Following the publication of the SAPEA report "Biodegradability of plastics in the open environment report", Dr Bødtker set up an experiment at the Bergen Aquarium.

Following the publication of the SAPEA report “Biodegradability of plastics in the open environment report”, Dr Bødtker set up an experiment at the Bergen Aquarium. Photo: Nils Olav Sæverås

She is now in the process of seeking funding for the next phase of the experiment. Bødtker says,

– It will be interesting to see how a different type of “seafloor” in the tank affects the biodegradation rate. Also, for the next experiment, it will be interesting to test actual products rather than just pure polymers.

In the latest update from the experiment, Bødtker and collaborators report that the biodegradation rate of PHB on the “seafloor” sediment of the Bergen Aquarium tank (11-12 degrees Celsius) is similar to what was previously observed onSE Asian marine sediment (29 degrees Celsius).

Experiment presented during One Ocean Expedition

Dr Bødtker has recently taken part in the One Ocean Expedition, where the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl is circumnavigating the globe. From August 2021 to April 2023, Statsraad Lehmkuhl is sailing 55,000 nautical miles and visit 36 ports worldwide. Gunhild Bødtker participated on the Miami-New York leg of the expedition just before Christmas. Statsraad Lehmkuhl serves as a floating university and training vessel combined, with University of Bergen as a major contributor. The leg Dr. Bødtker sailed had a special focus on science.

– We had a lot of interesting feedback when the experiment was presented on the One Ocean Expedition. For instance, many participants in the expedition were surprised to discover that bioplastics and biodegradable plastics are not the same thing, Bødtker says.

– This is an important research field. For me personally, it was quite an awakening that even though we were in the open sea, we could see plastics the water, emphasizing the need for more research and more sustainable solutions.   

My passion is to serve the research community

– The Academy’s community, with its network of Regional Knowledge Hubs, has the authority, credibility, and pan-European breadth to deliver independent and unbiased collective expertise and advice for policymakers. Academia Europaea, together with SAPEA and the Young Academies, is indeed excellently placed to continue to play a fundamental role in delivering science advice at a European level, says the new President of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow.

Professor Marja Makarow's term as AE President commenced on 1st January 2022.

Professor Marja Makarow’s term as AE President commenced on 1st January 2022.

Her first interview as President was conducted by the AE Cardiff Hub.

In the interview, you’ll find information about Makarows background, her reflections on science advice and supporting the next generation of researchers and scientists, as well as a recording of her talk at Academia Europaea’s annual conference in October 2021.

Click here for the complete interview.

Professor Pearl Dyskstra MAE and Professor Marja Makarow at the SAPEA symposium on science advice (Helsinki).

Professor Pearl Dyskstra MAE and Professor Marja Makarow at the SAPEA symposium on science advice (Helsinki). Photo: Tomi Setälä / SAPEA

SDG Conference Bergen

The topic of the SDG Conference Bergen 2022 is Ways of Knowing, Modes of Living: Dialogues across a fragmented Earth for the 2030 Agenda. The challenges and existential threats that underlie the sustainable development goals, demand action. How do we find new and innovative ways to develop sustainable actions rooted in the SDGs?

The fifth SDG Conference Bergen will take place 9-11 February. More information on the conference website.

AE Bergen thanks and gives a sincere farewell to outgoing AE-president prof. Sierd Cloetingh

As AE-president prof. Sierd Cloetingh ends his tenure as president for our Academy we would like to express our sincere gratitude for his strong presidency.  In many ways, his presidency have moved Academia Europaea forward to a central position on the European scene, in particular its presence in many regions of the continent, and in Science Advice for policy.

Prof. Sierd Cloetingh signing the new 4-year agreement between the University of Bergen and AE on May 25th, 2021.

Prof. Sierd Cloetingh signing the new 4-year agreement between the University of Bergen and AE on May 25th, 2021.

AE has during his tenure become an even stronger advocate for the importance of research excellence as a basis for the development of our societies in complex times.

Prof. Cloetingh has also been a key and trusted supporter of our Hub in Bergen, and has taken many initiatives which has developed the Hub to become an integral part of the functioning of the Academy with a number of promising activities in the next years. He recently signed the new 4-year agreement between the University of Bergen and AE, which ensures a good functioning of the Hub in the coming years.

Our sister-Hub in Cardiff has written a nice report on the farewell ceremonies celebrating prof. Cloetingh´s achievements, and we encourage our readers to read this.

Christmas Greetings from the Hub Director, Eystein Jansen

I wish to express my best greetings to all members of Academia Europaea, hoping that 2022 will be a year of increased normality, allowing many of us to meet and interact in more personal ways, Hub Director Eystein Jansen writes in this Christmas greeting.

Christmas Greetings from the Hub Director, Eystein Jansen

Christmas Greetings from the Hub Director, Eystein Jansen

Dear all,

Another year has almost come to an end, with a new year approaching, yet again influenced by the pandemic. While a few months back, there was hope for the vaccination effort to gradually lead to normalization and protection of our health and health services, it is now clear that many countries again need to restrict social interaction and mobility.

This is due to the combined effects of severely mutated and more contagious variants of the virus and lack of willingness to be vaccinated in parts of the population in some countries. The uneven global distribution of vaccines to the global south leaves the majority of the global population unvaccinated, thus providing perfect conditions for new mutations of the virus. This development was forecasted by scientists with expertise in the field. Among the lessons learned during the pandemic is the importance of basic research (which gave us vaccines), the key role of a just global distribution of vaccines and the importance of sharing scientific knowledge. These aspects are also at the heart of the mission of Academia Europaea and the Bergen Hub.

A very productive year for the hub

Despite constraints due to covid restrictions, 2021 has been a very productive year for the hub, reflected on our website. Amongst our activities we are especially proud of having produced a short film about Academia Europaea, the Bergen Hub and SAPEA. Academia Europaea has entered into a new contract with the University of Bergen providing a 4-year prolongation of the University hosting our Hub, thereby securing support for our Hub in the coming years. We have produced a new strategy plan for the Hub approved by our Steering group and our Nordic/Baltic advisory board. The Hub has organised and been partner to several events, mainly online, but also some physical meetings when the pandemic allowed for this.

Vakre Rosendal dannet rammen for andre årgang av klimakonferansen Rosendalsveko.

AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub took active part in the Rosendal-week, a regional meeting place for industry, politics, and researchers on the green transition.

To highlight some of our activities: We have organized a side event of the Arctic Frontiers conference on sustainable transport in the Arctic, we took active part in the Rosendal-week, a regional meeting place for industry, politics, and researchers on the green transition, and we have co-organised an online gathering of polar researchers in Norway and Estonia in collaboration with the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian Embassy in Tallin. We have also participated actively in dissemination activities for the SAPEA-report on Energy Transition in Europe and Plastic pollution in the ocean. Our Hub was also responsible for technical and administrative support of the (online) annual class meetings for the AE classes A1 and A2.

Our network has been extended by an agreement to co-organise seminars with the local branch of the Norwegian Academy for Technological sciences, and a meeting place for interactions between the various science academies in Norway has been established. We are very keen to arrange similar meeting points with Academies in the Nordic and Baltic countries in the future. We have expanded the Hub’s activities in Science Advice by becoming a partner in the new SAPEA project under Horizon Europe, seeking a more active role under the leadership of the Cardiff Hub, in organising activities and contributions to the production of evidence reports for the Science Advice Mechanism of the European Commission.

In 2021 Academia Europaea has established a Task Force to provide plans for extending its visibility in the areas of Environment, climate and sustainability under the leadership of Professor Verena Winiwarter from Vienna. The Bergen Hub organises this activity on behalf of Academia Europaea. This will be an important tool to better align Academia Europaea with some of the most pressing global challenges. As a member of the Task Force, I hope that we can engage a high number of eminent scholars from our membership to take part in future activities. I would encourage all members with expertise and engagement to respond to the ongoing member survey (deadline January 14th). The outcome of the survey will give us a much-needed knowledge base to build upon in this important work.

With this wish I will express my best greetings to all members of Academia Europaea, hoping that 2022 will be a year of increased normality, allowing many of us to meet and interact in more personal ways.

Eystein Jansen

Academic Director Bergen Knowledge Hub


Survey on AE members expertise in environmental and climate issues

Academia Europaea has recently established a Task Force on Environment, Climate, and Sustainability issues. A recently issued survey, sent to all members and with a completion deadline of January 14th, is intended to map members expertise and engagement in these fields.

The Academia Europaea Task Force on Environment, Climate, and Sustainability issues.

The Academia Europaea Task Force on Environment, Climate, and Sustainability issues.

In 2021 Academia Europaea (AE) has established a Task Force to provide plans for extending its engagement and visibility in the areas of environment, climate, and sustainability under the leadership of Professor Verena Winiwarter. This will be an important tool to better align Academia Europaea with some of the most pressing global challenges. The Bergen Hub is responsible for organising this activity on behalf of Academia Europaea.

In addition to Winiwarter, the Task Force of eight AE members consists of Carlo Carraro, Jane Hill, Patricia Holm. Poul Holm (Deputy Chair), Eystein Jansen, Nebojsa Nakicenuvic and Peter Wagner.

Mapping relevant knowledge within AE

The objective of the Task Force is to identify a range of critical questions relating to climate and environmental change research that carry a clearly significant societal and/or policy dimension and that can realistically be addressed with confidence by the application of AE expert knowledge from across the membership.

As a first step, the Task Force wishes to gain a better understanding of the range of relevant knowledge within AE as well as the availability of members for participation in AE initiatives on these. To get the best possible overview of the expert knowledge within the AE, a survey is provided and sent to all members. Deadline for responding to this survey is January 14th.

The survey serves the double purpose of gaining information and enabling communication. It should take less than 15 minutes to answer the basic questions of the survey.
If you have expertise and/or engagement in environment, climate, and sustainability issues, we hope that you will respond to the survey from this link.


Our Hub is organizing an Arctic Frontiers side event on deep sea minerals

Norway is in a position to become a leader in the exploration for deep-sea minerals. The race has started, rich in challenges, opportunities, and dilemmas. This is the subject of a side event co-organized by the AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub and UiB, at the Arctic Frontiers 2022 Conference

Vast quantities of metal-rich mineral deposits have been found in areas of the deep sea including deep sea regions of the Arctic and sub-Arctic.

Vast quantities of metal-rich mineral deposits have been found in areas of the deep sea including deep sea regions of the Arctic and sub-Arctic.

The green transition generates a need for critical minerals that is expected to be greater than the supply from the existing land-based mining industry and recycling. Vast quantities of metal-rich mineral deposits have been found in areas of the deep sea including deep sea regions of the Arctic and sub-Arctic.

This has catalysed the development of technologies to extract resources necessary for The Green Shift. While the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has granted exploration licenses in various locations, in particular in the Pacific Ocean, several countries are planning to initiate exploration within their own jurisdiction. Norway being one of them.

Sustainable enough to be justified?

Does the Green Shift really need deep-sea minerals? Do deep-sea minerals have a potential for creating new industries? Is the technology advanced enough? Do we have the knowledge base needed to safely explore these resources without irreversible damage to surrounding ecosystems?

How is Norway preparing for its 1st licensing round for deep-sea minerals, and how will this influence the arctic regions? Is the Norwegian Act on Mineral Activities on the Continental Shelf (Seabed Minerals Act) a sufficient regulatory framework? And finally; can deep-sea mineral extraction be sustainable enough to be justified?

As you can see, this topic is brimming with interesting questions. We’re calling the event “Race to the (seabed) bottom – realities and sustainability dilemmas in the demand for minerals”. Several interesting panelists are already confirmed, such as Dr, Karen Hanghøj, Director of The British Geological Survey, and Pedro A. Ribeiro, a leading researcher in this field at UiB.

Arctic Frontiers 2022 Pathways will be a hybrid conference, and our side event is scheduled for Tuesday February 1th, at 11:00-12:15.




AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub strengthens cooperation with Norwegian Academies

The autumn of 2021 has seen the AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub strengthen its cooperation with Norwegian Science Academies. This has taken place in the form of our participation in meetings with all Norwegian Academies. In addition, we have been a partner with NTVA on a local lecture series.

AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub collaborated with Tekna and NTVA on a local lecture series this autumn. Here Kjell Herfjord from Tekna and Jarl Giske from NTVA at one of the events.

AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub collaborated with Tekna and NTVA on a local lecture series this autumn. Here Kjell Herfjord from Tekna and Jarl Giske from NTVA at one of the events.

The meeting with all Norwegian science academies resulted in a shared understanding of several areas of common interest. Several of the Norwegian academies work to advance science advice, and to establish a Science Advice Mechanism in Norway.

One other area where the academies discussed collaboration, is the possibility of joint opinions for national hearings. Most academies write their own statements for national hearings today, but these could have greater weight if Norwegian academies united behind them. Cooperation in communication efforts was also discussed.

Local lecture series

Another successful collaboration this autumn, has been our collaboration with NTVA (technical sciences) as partner for a local lecture series, with Tekna as another collaboration partner. Subjects have been future healthcare solutions, sustainable shipping, and technical challenges in building the world’s longest floating bridge.

AE-Bergen Hub’s academic director Eystein Jansen.

AE-Bergen Hub’s academic director Eystein Jansen.

The Hub’s academic director Eystein Jansen comments:

– Science Academies have several common interests. We all do important work in science advice for policy and work to advance interdisciplinarity, as well as advancing the international orientation of science. The AE-Bergen Knowledge Hub looks forward to cooperating with Norwegian academies on these topics in the future, Eystein Jansen says.