The annual report of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub for 2020 is now available to download from our website. The report shows an active year, despite Covid restrictions. The AE-Bergen Hub participated in 7 live events before the pandemic, and 1 live event (Rosendal Week) during the relative easing of restrictions in August.
The Hub also participated in several digital events during 2020.
Several organisational developments took place, such as the establishment of a not-for-profit- company to be able to organise and coordinate activities e.g., for project management within Horizon Europe. Our nomination of Rebecca Cox to the SAM (Scientific Advice Mechanism) expert group on ‘How can Europe ensure adequate management of and better preparedness for future epidemics and pandemics in the global context?’ resulted in her participation as expert consultant for the report commissioned by the EU.
The AE-Bergen Hub annual report will also give indications of the key elements in our soon-to-be-finalised Strategy Plan.
You can view or download the annual report here.