“Energy and Sustainable Development group (ESD)»
Coordinated by prof. Laszlo Csernai
– 2018 –
February 27, 2018: Science, Energy and Sustainability-2018 (The role of Water) Keynote Talk at the 25th International Energy and Innovation Forum (NEIF) by Laszlo Csernai, Aqua World Resort Hotel, Budapest; organized by the SUNWO Zrt,.
January, 2018: Executive summary: Simultaneous use of black, green and white certificates systems by Eirik S. Amundsen and Torstein Bye
January 10, 2018: “Historic German church demolished to make way for brown coal mine”; to provide balance power for intermittent renewable energy production (The Local .de).
– 2017 –
October 13, 2017: We need to have a global perspective when discussing the future of the Norwegian petroleum industry – Article in Bergens Tidende (Lett for oss å vifte med pekefingeren), by Susanne Sperrevik, Geologist, BD and Exploration Director in the company M Vest Energy AS.
October 3, 2017: Full electrification is dead-end – Article in Bergens Tidende, by Rolf K. Eckhoff MAE, Alex C. Hoffmann MAE, Laszlo Csernai, MAE, Jan S. Vaagen MAE.
September 11, 2017: Exaggerated climate gains – Article in Bergens Tidende, Full electrification of Norway with hydroelectric power Energy will not give any global «Environmental gain.» by Rolf K. Eckhoff MAE, Alex C. Hoffmann MAE, Laszlo Csernai, MAE, Jan S. Vaagen MAE.
August 17-29, 2017: ICNFP-2017 – The 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, in OAC, Kolymbari, Crete, annual interdisciplinary meeting, with more than 400 registered participants, co-organized by the Academia Europaea – Bergen.
June 26, 2017: Volcano Power Could Be ‘Most Exciting Thing Since the Moon Landing,’ Says Researcher – submitted by John Ludden, MAE, executive director of the British Geological Survey.
June 19, 2017: Launch of the EASAC policy report on “Valuing Dedicated Storage in Electricity Grids”, from 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM, Palace of the Academies, Rue Ducale 1, Brussels.
– 2016 –
September 13-14, 2016: EPS Energy Group meeting in Brussels, in Prince Albert Officer’s Club. Laszlo Csernai participated in the meeting among ~30 participants. Selected talks: Surplus and Storage with intermittent electricity production by F. Wagner and Transient Stability and Stress on Turbo Generators during times of low System Inertia by Marios Zarifakis. Other talks of the meeting can be reached at the EPS EG Website .
September 5-7, 2016: Talk at the 2nd Int. Conf. on History of Physics, in Pöllau, Austria on History of Physics in Bergen & of Sustainable Development by Laszlo P. Csernai and Jan S. Vaagen, and on The German “Energiewende”: Euphoria versus Technology by F. Wagner.
July 2016: Physics, Fracking, Fuel, and the Future, M. Marder, T. Patzek, and S.W. Tinker, article in Physics Today.
July 27, 2016: IAEE Bergen On the occasion of the International Association of Energy Economics, IAEE Bergen at NHH International Conference, held in Bergen (June 19-22, 2016), the recent issue of the IAEE Energy Forum (EF) is devoted entirely to the Conference, in fact for the first time for an international conference only. On page 22 you will find a reference to the translation of the Bergens Tidende “kronikken” of Einar Hope, MAE. The EF has a readership of 5000+, so that in addition to the AE members it potentially should reach out to a fairly large international audience.
July 6-14, 2016: ICNFP-2016 – The 5th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, in Kolymbari, Crete, the annual interdisciplinary meeting took place in OAC, and co-organized by the Academia Europaea – Bergen.
June 2016: Comments on the position paper of German Academies by the AE Knowledge Hub Region Bergen.
June 19-22: Energy options in an uncertain world Article by Einar Hope MAE, at the IAEE Conference, Bergen.
April, 2016: The need for Basic Energy Research, by Adalbert Goede, EurophysicsNews Volume 47 number 2 p. 25
February, 2016: Flexibility concepts for the German power supply in 2050, position paper of German Academies.
February 16-19, 2016: Actual Questions of Energy Production. (In Hungarian.) Laszlo P. Csernai invited keynote lecture, at the XXIII International Energy and Innovation Forum, Visegrad, Hungary.
February 07-09, 2016: Workshop on complexity, Institute of Advanced Studies, Koszeg, Hungary. Laszlo P. Csernai: Contribution on Entropy and complexity.
– 2015 –
29-31 October, 2015: Physical basis of Limits to Growth, – Laszlo P. Csernai – Invited talk – Second European Blue Sky Conference, Budapest Royal Castle, Hungary: http://www.blueskyconferences.org/ , VIDEO
October 13, 2015: The European Academies Science Advisory Council’s (EASAC) Energy Steering Panel had its meeting in Brussels Today. The recent and present EASAC Energy related assessment projects were reviewed. Several potential future project proposals were discussed, including: Energy for Transport, Ocean Energy, Photovoltaics, Bio and Forest energy, Energy Security technology, Digitalization, and Small Nuclear Reactors. Scoping studies will be carried out for three of these potential projects and if possible 2 will be presented to the to the EASAC Council in November. For the «Ocean Energy» topic Elisabeth Rachlew and Laszlo P. Csernai were selected as coordinators. This subject falls well in the profile of the AE-Bergren Knowledge Hub.
September 23-24, 2015: EPS Energy Group’s Rome Meeting, Selected talks: C Buchal , R Koch , Elisabeth Rachlev , F Romanelli , F Wagner , PF Bach , Silvia Serrano , M Zarifakis . All Presentations .
September 22, 2015: Opening of the Brussels Office of NTNU, University of Bergen and SINTEF, Hotel Renaissance, Rue du Parnasse 19, Brussels. Presentation at the Energy Workshop: Energy Union: Compatibility of adopted measures and instruments , by Professor Eirik S. Amundsen, University of Bergen / University of Copenhagen.
Jul. 29-Aug. 3, 2015: Advances around the Northern Seas (NorSAC-2015), Bergen, – – – Selected talks: Cheng Y, Csernai-No, Ershov, Hagen, Leonardi, Papp, Strottman-Hy, Wang DJ, Zhukov.
June 17, 2015: The European Physical Society (EPS) has released the Position Paper of the Energy Group on the European Energy Policy and it been sent by the EPS Office in Mulhouse to EU policy makers .
June 17, 2015: Regional Members’ Meeting at the AE Bergen Knowledge Hub. Presentations by Kristian Smeland Ytre-Hauge: Particle Therapy , and by Laszlo P. Csernai: AE’s Energy Activity .
June 16, 2015: EASAC/JRC meeting on Nuclear Energy and Management of Spent Fuel at the AE Bergen Knowledge Hub; Ákos Horváth (EASAC and dir. Center for Energy Research, Hungary): Nuclear Energy in Europe ; Gunnar Buckau (Inst. for Transuranium Elements, Joint Research Center-European, Commission): Introduction to the Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM ; Pierre Kockerols (Senior Expert – Nuclear Safety and Security, Joint Research Centre, European Commission): Presentation of the joint report of EASAC and JRC on the Management of the Spent Nuclear Fuel and its Waste .
June 15, 2015: Joint Young Academy of Europe and AE Symposium , at the AE Bergen Knowledge Hub; Prof. Inga Berre (Univ. of Bergen): Geothermal Energy .
June 9, 2015: New Central Europe 2 program presentations, Institute of Social and European Studies, Köszeg, Hungary; Csaba Németh (U. Pannonia): About the Nuclear Energy ; Szabolcs Varga (U. Pannonia): The Future of Renewable Energies .
May 2015: Physics Today: Extreme Heating .
May 20-22, 2015: European Energy Science and Technology conference, Karlsruhe. The conference included the meeting of the Energy Working Group of the European Physical Society. Some selected presentations: Dr. Hervé Bernard (CEA, Saclay FR): «Nuclear energy for a sustainable French energy mix» , Dr Yves Martin (EPFL, Lausanne CH): «Improved energy confinement in tokamaks» , L.P. Csernai and D.D. Strottman (Univ. of Bergen NO): «Relativistic Fluid Dynamics for Modelling Inertial Confinement Fusion», Prof. Friedrich Wagner (MPI für Plasmaphysik, GE): «Electricity by Intermittent Sources» , J.Ongena and C.J.H. Watson (Energy Group of the EPS): «European Energy Policy and Global Reduction of CO2 emissions», Manuel Metzler and Peter Pelz (TU Darmstadt, GE): «Experimental Validation of an Analytic Approach to Optimization of a Tidal Turbine Fence». – – – Book of Abstracts .
May 7, 2015: «With new solutions towards sustainable nuclear power» Prof. Imre Pazsit (Chalmers Univ. of Technology), talk at the Scientific Assembly, of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
May 4-5, 2015: Meeting of the Energy Steering Panel of the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) in Helsinki. Programme Director William Gillett (UK), gave a public talk on «Up-coming Energy Policy Issues in the EU Machine» . AE members of the Panel John Ludden and Laszlo P. Csernai were attending the meeting.
Apr. 18, 2015: Presentation on «EU Energy and Climate targets and instruments» by Eirik Amundsen at The EU University Institute, Florence.
Mar. 19, 2015: European Council Conclusion: Energy Union .
Mar. 5, 2015: EuropeanVoice: Energy ministers clash .
Feb. 25, 2015: Prof. Jarle Berntsen (U. of Bergen): Ocean Energy in Norway – Presentation for the AE Knowledge Hub Region Bergen
Feb. 25, 2015: Prof. Eirik Schrøder Amundsen criticized the Danish energy and climate policy at the BIEE 10th Academic Conference on energy economics held at Oxford University, September, 17, 2014. The title of the talk was: «The Effects of An Ambitious Danish Energy Policy” Slides , Talk . (Presented to the AE Knowledge Hub Region Bergen.)
February, 2015: Physics Today: Turning Nuclear Waste into glass , Taking the next steps in fusion ignition quest . This article points out that «Shortening the laser pulse to accelerate the implosion may fix the collapse problem«, just as stated in Csernai‘s talk at the end of January.
Jan. 25-30, 2015: The 35th Hirschegg meeting to discuss High Energy Density Physics. Topics related to the status of Fusion Energy research were discussed. Talks related to the newest positive achievements from the LLNL National Ignition Facility were interesting: Laszlo P. Csernai: Volume ignition via time-like detonation in pellet fusion (arXiv) . Paul Neumayer: Hard X-ray Radiography as a HED Plasma Diagnostic at FAIR, V.B. Rozanov, G.A. Vergunova: Simple model for indirect target compression under conditions close to the NIF laser facility at 1.5 MJ energy.
– 2014 –
Nov. 28, 2014: Report on the EASAC –Energy Steering Panel meeting in Brussels, 22-23 Oct. 2014, given by Laszlo P. Csernai at the meeting of Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.
Nov., 2014: Physics Today: Fusion experiment crosses ocean.
Nov. 13, 2014: The European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) has launched the new EASAC Statement: «Shale gas extraction: issues of particular relevance to the European Union». Please find attached the statement and the executive summary, the press release and a related statement of the Chairman of the INspec Ethylene Oxide Specialities (INEOS) AG, Jim Ratcliffe.
Nov. 13-14, 2014: The European Physical Society – Energy Working Group (EPS-EWG) meeting in Lisbon. Various issues related the energy supply stability and sustainability were presented and discussed: Laszlo P. Csernai: Establishing the Academia Europaea -Bergen Knowledge Hub (talk). Christoph Buchal: Die Energiewende «revisited» (talk), (text), (mobilitaet), (Phys. J.). Hans Poser et al.: Lessons learned from Germany (Finadvice). Axel Bojanovski – article (Spiegel). Mark O. Bettzuege: Nationaler Hochmut oder cui bono (Phys. J.), The growing absurdity of German energy policy (Financial Times).
October 14, 2014: Considerations for an EU-wide use of renewable energies for electricity generation, by Friedrich Wagner.
Oct. 09, 2014: FAZ-20141009-Strompreis_verdoppelt (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).